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Writer's pictureJennie Antolak

What Could I Make of Today?

My Monday started out as a bit of a panic, a failure and much frustration. I was about to call it quits when I came across a short tidbit my mother found and emailed me last week. As I reread the note today, it significantly shifted my attitude regarding this crazy Monday and I hope it enhances yours in some way as well...

I Know Today is Monday...

And you assume it's going to suck,

but according to statistics,

there will be over 5,000 weddings,

10,000 childbirths and 42 million hugs

occurring today throughout the United States.

Also today, there will be at least four people who will win the multimillion-dollar lotteries,

600 people will get at promotions at work, and 3,000 will lose their virginity.

There will also be 600 dogs adopted,

35,000 balloons sold, and 800,000 Skittles sold. Plus, the words, "I love you" will be said over 9 million times today.

So again, I know today is Monday, and you assume it's going to suck, but just smile because according to

statistics, it should be a really nice day.


Enjoy today because tomorrow might suck. Or, not. It's all a matter of what we choose to be present to.

  • Where do you place your focus most days?

  • How does your focus shape how you experience the world?

  • What could you be awake to that will further enhance your life moment by moment?

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