Coaching Certifications
Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. -Aristotle
At Learning Journeys, you will not only develop the skills and knowledge to masterfully coach others, you will receive the support and leadership to continually expand your own potential. We provide certifications, continuing education, network opportunities, resources, research, development and volunteer opportunities. Join us and be an active part of setting the standard for coaching around the world. Student Handbook
Power of Possibility
(Prerequisite for Coach Practitioner Certification)
The Power of Possibility equips you with fundamental coaching tools and techniques for assisting others in achieving goals. The course teaches you how to develop, maintain and expand trust. It increases your personal proficiency for meaningful communication and aligned interaction with values, beliefs, and behaviors. It provides strategies for moving others beyond stuck states. This course creates a deep awareness of how to successfully operate in the world moment by moment.
This course is more than just the prerequisite for the Coach Practitioner Certification. It is the first step in recognizing what stories are creating your life. It wakes you up to what is still waiting for you to notice and embrace. The course is designed to help you enhance your own life so you can effectively assist others in doing the same. You will leave fully understanding the power of possibility.
Note: This is part of Level 2 ICF Accredited program and can be used to earn 21 core competency credits.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
offered monthly
Coach Practitioner Certification
(Prerequisite for Narrative Certifications)
The Coach Practitioner Certification is accredited through the International Coach Federation (ICF). At Learning Journeys, you will develop yourself as a skillful coach. You will learn creative methods for: establishing agreements that honor the client's agenda, asking powerful questions that source answers from within, expanding perspective and options without making the client wrong, moving through stuck states with determination not hesitation, designing actions the client's deem meaningful and worthwhile, managing progress that reinforces potential and holding clients accountable to their intentions.
The Coach Practioner Certification program is for individuals committed to assisting others in finding their own solutions without guiding or influencing the process. It will dare you to trust the process and the person. It will test your ability to let go of the outcome and sit in the messiness of change with another. It will challenge you to be boldly curious when assumptions are powerfully strong. And, it will invite you to enjoy the journey with all its ups and downs along the way. This program is both rigorous and fulfilling. You will discover coaching is not just a skill it is a way of being.
Due to the pandemic, if feels as if we've landed on the dark side of the moon. The methods used prior to our current circumstances to navigate work, engagement and career development are not enough to successfully maneuver through this new terrain. Leaders and employees alike are feeling overwhelmed, distracted and disconnected. They need reassurance that this is merely an eclipse. There are brighter days ahead and they have the ability to influence how vivid it gets as this shadow fades.
This program is for leaders seeking an uncommon approach the unfamiliar circumstances of many people's work life. Eclipse not only assists leaders in restoring hope in the future it does so by reinstating control in people's
Narrative Coach Certification
It is not the experiences that define people. It is the stories they wrap around the experiences and the collection of those stories that define them. Through Narrative Coaching people can learn to separate themselves from their stories long enough to examine what stories are serving and not serving them. By externalizing stories people can become more objective and realize they have the capability to change their attention, filters, and actions to obtain the narratives that will expand not contract their identity.
Narrative coaching is a process that can apply to organizations and individuals. It is designed for those who have become the subject of their stories feeling like they are being driven by circumstances rather than choice. Narrative is intended to assist organizations and individuals in imagining a greater story for themselves and helping them find creative ways to construct and step into them.
This certification is not for beginners. It is for coaches that are coaching at a mastery level and can skillfully maneuver through to get to a greater narrative without getting stuck in the existing story.
Inside Out Wellbeing Credentialing
LJ's Inside Out Wellbeing is a 12-week group coaching program designed to increase people's resiliency and belief in self to achieve goals. Through coaching tools and techniques, participants discover their own creative methods for dealing with challenging circumstances and seeing opportunities within obstacles. They collect evidence to prove they are resourceful and competent.
Benefits of coaching on wellbeing:
High wellbeing increases the ability to handle life’s challenges, build strong relationships, and recover from setbacks. (
Connecting with and supporting others increases belief in self and decreases stress. (Gallup, 2011)
Relating with others serves as a buffer during tough times, which in turn decreases stress. (Gallup, 2011)

Mentor Coaching
Further enhance your impact, reputation and the credibility of coaching by completing the Mentor Coaching Program. If you are fully committed to being known for your breath and depth of coaching skills then its time to refine your competencies.
Here you will learn what it takes to consistently coach at an MCC level while having fun applying what you learn along the way.