What causes us to disregard our instincts? Often, it boils down to a combination of social conditioning, self-doubt, and the desire for external validation. From a young age, we’re taught to prioritize logic, seek approval, and avoid taking uncalculated risks, which can train us to second-guess those "gut feelings." When we can’t present hard evidence for our intuition, we tend to overlook it, assuming that it lacks credibility.
Ignoring our instincts can chip away at our confidence over time. Each time we dismiss our gut, it feels like we’re turning our back on a part of ourselves, creating a sense of dissonance between our rational mind and intuitive sense. This incongruence not only diminishes our trust in ourselves but can lead to a cycle where we rely even more heavily on analysis, hoping it will provide clarity—only to end up feeling more disconnected from our internal guidance.
Sometimes, it takes a significant setback for us to recognize just how much we’ve been ignoring our inner voice. By then, we’re often in such a state of overwhelm that instinct feels like a luxury we can’t afford. Ironically, though, the path out of the mess might be through the very intuition we’ve been avoiding. Embracing our instincts allows us to realign with ourselves, empowering us to navigate challenges with a renewed sense of purpose and confidence.
In the end, when we bet on our intuition, we’re betting on ourselves—a risk that often leads to growth and alignment.
Questions to Connect to Instinct:
When all logical avenues seem exhausted, it can be valuable to shift focus from the purely rational to a deeper, more intuitive exploration. Here are some questions that can help you or your clients uncover hidden insights, tune into instincts, and open up new possibilities:
What subtle signals are urging you to reconsider your approach? Often, our minds pick up on small clues or inconsistencies before we consciously recognize them. These signals might show up as feelings of unease, a recurring thought, or a sense that something just doesn’t feel right. Identifying these subtle nudges can help guide you to a new direction.
What thoughts keep circling back to you, even if they don’t make immediate sense?Repetitive thoughts, ideas, or images can sometimes hold hidden messages. Reflect on why certain thoughts keep surfacing and consider what they might be trying to communicate or why they stand out in your mind.
What does your gut instinct know that your rational mind might be overlooking?Intuition can often sense things that logic misses, especially when it comes to complex, nuanced situations. Take a moment to tune into your physical sensations and inner voice. What feels “off,” and what feels aligned? Allow yourself to follow that feeling, even if it doesn’t have clear evidence behind it yet.
Are there any recurring dreams or daydreams related to this situation? What might they reveal?The subconscious mind sometimes expresses itself through dreams, offering perspectives that we might not consider when fully awake. Even daydreams or unexpected mental imagery can provide clues or represent feelings about a situation.
If there were no limitations—time, resources, or risks—how would you approach this differently?Removing practical constraints, even hypothetically, can illuminate your most authentic desires and show you what you truly want. This exercise can reveal creative solutions and help you see whether certain constraints are self-imposed.
What alternative choices or approaches feel energizing, even if they seem unconventional?Pay attention to the ideas that spark excitement or relief, no matter how impractical they may initially seem. These ideas might represent unexplored desires or unique solutions that deserve more consideration.
Who would you be if this challenge were already resolved?Imagining yourself on the other side of the challenge can give you insight into the kind of person you need to become or the qualities you need to develop. This future-focused question encourages you to see the issue from a higher perspective and may inspire creative, forward-thinking solutions.
If you were to advise someone else facing this situation, what would you suggest?Sometimes, it’s easier to find clarity when we step outside of ourselves. Offering advice as if you were an outsider can make your intuitive wisdom more accessible and reveal solutions you hadn’t considered for yourself.
Exploring these questions helps bridge the gap between logic and intuition, offering a holistic approach to problem-solving.
I love this approach and the deeper intelligence from your beautiful questions! Sending Holiday Love
~ Terra